I've now closed the calendar to new bookings for the remainder of 2011. If you'd hoped to schedule a family session or a newborn session or a birthday appointment for a little one, please accept my apologies and know that I truly wish I could take every possible booking. I love sharing in your family's milestones and capturing those special memories. Unfortunately, the reality is that my time is limited and at this point, I balance work with a very busy family life. I never want to shortchange my clients or my family, and so I need to be mindful of not overextending myself. I hope that you understand and are able to maintain balance yourself -- whether it's work, the start of school, new lessons, sports seasons, a combination of these, or whatever else has you occupied this fall.
Moving on to the purely personal side of things, and because a post is never complete without a photo (or two or three...), here is some documentation of the Clausen kids' first couple days of school. On a side note: Thank goodness the first week was a short one! I'm not sure which family member was most tired last night, but we were ALL in the running...
A quick shot of all three before we headed in to their new classrooms:
And then the focus fell mostly on the little miss, who was starting kindergarten -- and was practically bursting with excitement about it all.
The next day was her first time riding the bus, so I brought my camera to the bus stop to capture a little bit of that as well:
Could that backpack be any bigger?? She wanted one with wheels, and it sure looked smaller online...
And she was off!
The first three days of school, at least, we great ones for all three Clausen kids. Let's hope the remainder of the school year is as fun and as smooth...