They came bounding upstairs at 7:15. DRESSED. Let me impress upon you the impressiveness of that single fact alone. I usually have to go pull their clothes out of their closets, wave them in front of their faces, and then ask, ask again, demand, and then beg them to put them on. So it was a big deal that they were ready to roll at 7:15.
After breakfast, we took a few silly snaps in the driveway. They were so antsy to get to school that their patience was thin. I was so groggy and caffeine-deprived that I could barely remember the functions on my camera. The combo didn't make for winning photos, but I guess we'll have more first days, right?
And if this isn't a fake smile, I don't know what is.
Anyway, the whole family traipsed over to school and we got each boy situated in his class. First up: KINDERGARTEN!
His cubby is one over and one up from the tambourines!
Mr. Kindergarten at his desk:
Then it was off to first grade.
After checking in with his teacher, the Big Guy was off and running. While most kids opted to sit at their desks and color, he and one of his good buddies chose to sit on the floor and go through the book basket.
At the end of the day, both guys seemed a little bit pooped and a little wilted from the heat. (According to their reports, popular playground activities seemed to revolve around looking for shade.) But each gave his day a solid A+. And now they're snoozing soundly and resting up for another fun-filled day...
1 comment:
I like Noah's backpack/lunchbox combo. :-)
I can't believe the little darlings are all so big. Noah's in kindy ... wow!
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