Having completed that set in what seemed like a flash, E declared that he was going to tackle the other set -- the 3,803-piece Death Star -- all on his own. With no help at all. Despite the fact that it was labeled as "for ages 14+."
I was a little worried.
I anticipated a few meltdowns and some muttered curse words (from me, when I was forced to help out or talk him down from the ledge). I definitely expected some tears and some foot stomping along the way.
I was so wrong.
My little dude, at the ripe old age of 8, put this doozy together ALL BY HIMSELF. On only a couple of occasions, I pitched in to find a stray piece in the pile, but he deemed that help acceptable because I (a) really hate doing Legos, and (b) am really terrible at doing Legos. Other than that, it was all him.
Perhaps the thing I'm most proud of is his attitude. Throughout the week that he spent on this thing, he was cheerful, pleasant and kind to his brother and sister. A few times he ran into stumbling blocks and when I encouraged him to take a break and go back with fresh eyes, he easily agreed. When I had to pull him away from the Legos to go spend a night at his grandparents' house, he smiled and said he was looking forward to the sleepover and would also be happy to return to the Legos the next day.
I was pretty certain at this point that despite all scientific proof to the contrary, this kid has none of my own DNA.
Here's the view of him we enjoyed for most of the past week:
And some other snaps from the contruction process...
And Mr. Oh-So-Proud-of-Himself:
Now I just need to figure out where we're going to display the darn thing.
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