Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Twilight

Yesterday was MLK, Jr. day. We were coming off a weekend of being cooped up at home with a nasty stomach virus, and after walking the dog to the ice cream shop down the road, we were still itching for something to do outside. (Well, I was.) I decided that it was the right afternoon to begin Project 2012-b.

(Project 2012-a is this, by the way. I downloaded the app and am 17 days into a 365-day string of camera phone snaps to document the year. So far, so awesome.)

Project 2012-b is this: Each month, I plan to do a quick and simple photo session with my kids. I'm going to spend a grand total of five minutes each month brainstorming clothes and location, and beyond that... it is what it is. The idea is to grab some shots of my three yahoos as they are at that point in time. At the end of the year, I can put the photos together in a book and -- voila: holiday gift for myself and the grandparents.

I came up with the idea one afternoon while on a run, and a primary motivation was to document the cute and crazy teeth situation we have going on. My oldest is finally getting the last of his eight permanent front teeth. My middle is, well... in the middle of the teeth transition. And my baby girl, I knew, was going to join the ranks of the partially toothless any day. She'd been futzing with a loose bottom tooth for a couple of weeks, and I knew that we'd be seeing a sweet little window in that smile any day.

Turns out that the loose tooth hung around in her mouth for about as long as it took the sun to set.


The bar is not high -- just a handful of shots from each month's mini-session.

One down, 11 to go.

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About Me

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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at erin@erinclausenphotography.com.