If you heard, at about noon today, an anguished wail ricocheting off the hills of San Luis Obispo, you can safely assume that it originated from me. I was catching up on downloading personal images... and in the course of doing that, I realized that I had deleted
an entire set of fun shots of my kids that took
a lot of bribing and a
great deal of stress to capture.
(Okay, to be honest, there was no keening, shrieking or wailing. There was, however, a moment during which my jaw fell into my lap, followed by a string of expletives.)
You see, I am practically religious about downloading and backing up my client sessions. I have systems and strategies and those images get immediate and careful treatment. But my personal images, well... A lot of times those sit on a memory card until I find some time to get them onto my computer and sorted. It's a bad habit. And now I'm paying the price.
There were probably 40 or so shots of my kids at a super fun location. I'd dragged them there before dinner last Monday, and as I said, it was painful. They were all in kooky moods and it was muddy and no one listened... but I managed to get at least a dozen really awesome images. I was excited to have them and -- true to form -- I felt that there wasn't any big hurry to do anything
with them.
Ugh. I am going on record to say that I have learned my lesson. I swear. I will not do this to myself again. Thank goodness I protected a couple of the shots on the spot. They're not even my favorites of the bunch... Those were definitely the individuals... These are just shots I happened to think were decent and so I hit the "protect" button in the moment.
Perhaps I can come up with a way to entice my monkeys into heading out there with me again sometime.
Maybe we can recreate those lost images.
I guess a girl can always hope.
And another crop of that one, since these are all I have to work with. :(
I should note that I've done this before, long ago. (I know, I know.) Back then, I purchased a card reader that allowed me to recover the files. Unfortunately, that card reader no longer works. I suppose that I could research and buy a new card reader, and I could go through the process of trying to get these shots back... I'll have to think about that and whether or not it's worth the time and expense. :(