While neither of these clients is expecting a preview right now, I couldn't help editing a couple... and then a couple more... and then a couple more... It's a great distraction from those million things requiring my attention. ;)
First up, a cutie patootie 3-month-old.
I also met up with my "old" friends K & K. You can see some of their past sessions here, here, and here. I've photographed them about 16 different times, actually. (I'm a lucky girl.)
At two-and-a-half, they are busy little bodies, so we met up downtown and let them wander. I grabbed shots here and there as we trailed them up and down various blocks.
I warned you that I couldn't stop...
Now, I guess, it's time to shut down the computer and finally get to the rest of the to-do list. Sigh...