Monday, September 27, 2010

Apples! Apples! Who Wants Some Apples??

So my little buddies turned one (sniff), and we capped off the year with a very memorable session this morning. There was a bee sting, an incident with some motor oil, and a very soggy lawn. BUT. None of that compared with the fact that it was a day of record-breaking heat.

When I watched the news this evening, I learned just how hot it was.

What do you think of 115 degrees?

Yup, it was THAT HOT.

Our session took place around 11:00 a.m., so perhaps it was only 100 at that point. But believe me, the boys' mommy and I felt every one of those degrees.

The boys themselves were tremendous sports, considering. Maybe they're used to being little models... After all, this was our twelfth session. Whatever the reason, they hung in there like champs.

We went in with a fairly loose plan. We'd discussed overalls and a tractor and there was something about a wheel. We covered those bases, to be sure, but my very favorite images came from the end of the session. In fact, we were close to hanging it up when we happened on a crate with some loose apples, and we got THESE:


Holy moly, that was some cuteness. But the non-apple stuff was pretty darn cute as well.






I'm so glad that we could cap off the year in such a memorable way, and with such sweet images for their mommy and daddy. THANKS, T & B!

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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at