Thursday, September 2, 2010

14 Years + 4 Boys

This family is one of those that I've gotten to know personally over the last year or so. The little guy in the yellow shirt is one of my younger son's very favorite people in the whole wide world. I think that they originally bonded over a shared love of Super Mario, but apparently there are about 101 things that make little Mr. Yellow Shirt super awesome in my guy Noah's book.

So of course I've been looking forward to a long-time-coming session with the whole crew. But when I found out that the date our schedules intersected was their anniversary, I felt kind of bad. I mean, I just got to celebrate my own anniversary over escargots and glasses of burgundy. Surely they didn't really want to spend their anniversary with me??

But as I said, this session was a long time in coming -- one of those postponed by weather and at the mercy of our ballooning schedules. So it happened, and I'm so glad it did.

We met up first at a grassy area for some more "formal" family photos, but as you can see, these guys are all about running, laughing, playing, and having FUN. I decided that a handful of shots from our relaxed time at the beach was just what the blog needed today.


A & R, thanks so much for the chance to finally capture images of you and your boys. I had a ball.

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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at