Monday, August 27, 2012

Well, hello!

I realize that it has been a couple of months, but I'm ready to get back into the swing of many things, including work -- on a limited scale -- and updating the blog.

I didn't exactly plan to, but I sidelined this site for much of the summer so that I could travel with the family and focus on the kids when we were in town. I squeezed in a little work here and there, but for the most part I was in full mommy mode... and loving it. Well, liking it. Well... at points... tolerating it. I admit, I am one of those people who needs a creative outlet, as well as alone time and quiet, on a regular basis. (Quiet is something that is pretty much unheard of when any of my kids is around.) So while I did enjoy the lazy mornings with my yahoos and all of the togetherness that summer affords, I was ready for school to start last week. ;)

Of the many, many photos I've taken in the last weeks and months, I will grab a few of the most recent and most easily accessible. Here are my chickens on the first morning of the new school year.

Waking them up and finding them already chatting, with E's carefully laid-out "person" on his floor... (I just noticed the additions the girlie made to 2-D E.)


Foxy proudly mirroring her own "person":


Reading her note from her teacher (with a little help from her big bro, and her dad emptying the dishwasher while only partially awake):


Leave it to someone to look like a goofball... and no, that's not an actual corn dog on her plate, just a disgusting one-time-only sausage/pancake thing they talked me into buying:


And a quick snap before we loaded into two separate cars and headed out to two different schools. (The big guy hit a whole new campus.)


And now we're off and running! Yippee!!

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About Me

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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at