Monday, December 27, 2010

Snapshots of a Clausen Christmas

This year was much like Christmases of years past... Church on Christmas Eve, dinner with my parents, presents at home on Christmas morning, and a day with even more family after that.

There were a couple of key differences, though. For one thing, we missed my brother and SIL, who were with her family this year. For another thing, the kids have definitely -- finally! -- matured. While in the past we've spent part of Christmas afternoon facing down the greedy goblins that sneak in and suddenly embody our children, this year they were pretty good at maintaining the perspective that the holiday is about family more than presents. They were pretty patient about waiting their turn, and they were as enthusiastic about giving their gifts to each other as they were about opening things from Santa. And once they were done, they were done. Hardly a casual musing about whether there might just be one more thing for them under the tree. (Though I might have caught Evan crawling around beneath it a couple of times.)

I also managed to keep a pretty mellow attitude throughout Christmas Eve and Christmas -- partly as a result of getting packages wrapped up early and partly as a result of my sweet husband, who never missed a chance to compliment me on maintaining a happy (unstressed) outlook. The dinner was fairly unremarkable but yummy and well-received and the day wrapped up with everyone happy. Success.

Here are some snapshots that capture some of Clausen Christmas 2010.

First up, a lively church service during which the kids got to dress up and participate in the Nativity scene (they got to be Joseph, a shepherd and an angel).


Then it was off to dinner at my parents' house. They decided to give us our gifts that night, and the kids were happy to go with it.





Once home, the kids got down to business preparing for Santa. They even got quite upset when they thought Brian and I were staying up too late (and causing Santa to skip our house).




A last shot before bed:


And then it was Christmas morning.




Brian sports his gifts from Foxy and Noah (is it wrong for your kids to purchase beer merchandise??):




Evan asked for and got a desk for Christmas, and it proved the perfect place to assemble (in typical lightning speed) his new set of Legos.



And finally, some posed family shots, including the traditional shot of my dad and Brian's grandpa (who turned 90 last week!)...


... and an impromptu shot of all the girls wearing scarves (gifts and previously owned).


As I said, it was a good one. I hope you and your family enjoyed a wonderful holiday as well!

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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at