Monday, February 14, 2011

My Fruit Loops

We Clausens just spent a relaxing and restorative long weekend in Carmel, our favorite family getaway spot. The entire experience would've been top-notch, if it hadn't been for the constant worry about our dear friend Justin, who had to make an emergency helicopter ride to Stanford on Saturday night. Fortunately, he's on his way home now, and it sounds like he's going to be okay. We'll continue to keep him foremost in our thoughts, though, until we know that there's no further reason to worry about his cute, sweet self.

Anyway, I had some valentine-y photos that I intended to share from Carmel but I forgot to take along the cord that links my camera to my laptop. Ah, well. More time to relax at the cabin and catch up on some other computer-related to-dos.

I'm turning to the unpacking end of things now, but I'll leave you with this goofy shot of my little fruit loops, who saw these at the candy store and thought they looked downright awesome.


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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at