Thursday, December 10, 2009

Getting Ready for the Numchuck

So we were unpacking our Christmas decorations just after Thanksgiving. Mr. N lit up as he pulled something out of the box: "Look! A numchuck!"

The nutcracker just grinned back at him while the rest of us laughed.

Considering his confusion and the fact that we have tickets to The Nutcracker this weekend, I picked up a book version of the story this afternoon. Can't hurt to get them into the story before they have to sit on their hands and use their theater voices for a couple of hours. (I'm starting to wonder what I was thinking when I plunked down a sizeable chunk of change for those tickets.) Anyway, the book was actually a little playset that included the story as well as a pretty comprehensive set of paper dolls.

All three kids listened carefully to the story and then literally tore into the paper dolls. They thought it would be AWESOME to create the various scenes from the story on our buffet.




Quite proud of their work:



And the rough-housing that followed:




And you wonder why I might worry about maintaining a sense of decorum at the theater?

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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at