I've tried -- somewhat successfully -- to curb my work time during the month of August. I wanted to reconnect with my kids after my trip, help them celebrate the end of summer, play a little with my vacation photos, and help everyone ease back into school mode.
Like I said, I've been somewhat successful.
I haven't exactly had gobs of time to devote to any of these things, but I've made a big effort to be "mom" in the last fews weeks, and I do think that my kids have noticed. So that's good.
I did, however, carve out some time to spend with K & K, so that we could document them at 11 months. We've met monthly since they were born, so there was NO WAY I was going to miss a month after all this time.
And as usual, it was fun, a little bit crazy, and highly entertaining. I had grand visions of a little "den" set up outside, but of course, exact visions rarely translate into reality when you're working with kids this age. Despite that, I think we got some fun shots. (And my apologies again to the poor people trying to enjoy brunch on the restaurant deck above us. Only after making a wide range of animal and body noises -- at very loud volume -- did I realize that the restaurant had started seating people not 20 feet away.)

And don't ever say I can't multitask. I think I shot this one while holding his brother. (Mom was on guard to make sure this little guy didn't tumble into the nearby creek.)

There was so much to see, touch, taste and explore...

We played around in some greenery, too. Again, it was taste-a-polooza.

Next month they turn one, and my yearlong project with them will wrap up. I think I may need counseling to get over it. :)