Saturday, November 7, 2009

Girls' Weekend

My guys went north this weekend to catch the Stanford football game in person (51-42, baby!!), and the girly and I were left on our own. She had big plans for our "girls' weekend."

I have had about a million things to do, but this is not a girl to go off and entertain herself. Beginning at 6:00 a.m., it was NON.STOP.CHATTER.


We made pancakes, we cleaned up the pancakes, we watched a cartoon, we tickled each other (a LOT), and then she told me what I should wear and how we should sit on the couch.


Where in the world did I get this girl??


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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at