Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mr. Soccer

I have to admit that when my oldest son opted not to jump into AYSO, I breathed a small sigh of relief.

Soccer games every Saturday? All fall? Definitely not my speed.

I prefer that on weekends we're in town (there's another thing! you have to stay in town!), we take a much more relaxed and flexible approach to our plans. He did try basketball, but at least that was during the winter and indoors and at any rate, he made it clear that his basketball career was very short. One year short. This AYSO thing pulls in most families for YEARS.

But when my younger son expressed an interest in playing, the mommy guilt kicked in. His good buddies were going to play, he seems like a fairly athletic kid, he's the middle kid and don't they tend to get overlooked, yada yada yada.

So we signed him up. Or rather, I had my husband stand in line with all three kids for 45 minutes one evening to sign him up. But I'm starting to think that his line-standing pain and the endless string of Saturdays on the sidelines will be worth it.

I mean, doesn't he look cute?



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San Luis Obispo, California
I'm a Central Coast mother of three offering customized photography services to families in the San Luis Obispo area. For more info, please contact me at